Winter 2024 (Public) | Page 20

The Assistant Referee addresses parents every time their child / player is unable to :
in attack
Read the Game – Is ball watching rather than scanning
Run to Attack – Is bunched around the ball
Receive the Ball – Struggles with the first touch
Retain the Ball – Loses possession of the ball while dribbling
Release the Ball – Passes to the opponent or out of bounds - hoots the ball wide of the goal or over the crossbar
on defense
Read the Game – Does not become a defender when ball possession is lost
Run to Defend – Runs around the field with no purpose or strategy
Ready Stance – Does not get into the defensive stance ( boxer stance )
Reject Advancement – Does not attempt to delay the first attacker
• Regain Possession – Over-reliance on slide tackling or missing the tackle
The “ Role Reversal Game ” is a symbolic tool designed to challenge the status quo and provoke thought . By highlighting the absurdity of the idea , I aim to inspire coaches , parents and spectators to critically assess their behavior and consider more positive alternatives .
It is important to note that the “ Role Reversal Game ” is not proposed as a practical solution , but rather as a means to ignite reflection and prompt a reevaluation of current behavior . By presenting this outrageous scenario , I hope it serves as a wake-up call to examine the impact of sideline behavior in soccer .
Consider the multitude of calls / yells mentioned above . Imagine the significant number of instances where the Referee would need to communicate with the coach , and the Assistant Referee would need to address the parent section in order to tackle each of these observed behaviors .
If we find ourselves unable to convince coaches to focus on coaching , parents to engage in positive spectating , and allow players to concentrate on playing , perhaps it is time to consider actually implementing the “ Role Reversal Game .”
While common sense tells us that this idea may seem absurd , I hope it forces us to contemplate the challenging environment our officials currently face .
A CALL TO ACTION : I urge you to reconsider your behavior and commit to fostering a more positive and supportive environment . I encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences on the topic . I invite you to participate in the conversation by leaving comments and sharing this article with your soccer community .