Carr has been a United Soccer Coaches member since 1974 and was instrumental in the development of the Online Master ’ s Degree in Soccer Coaching at Ohio University in conjunction with the association . He has extensive experience in curriculum design , instructional methodology and online learning .
He served as state representative for West Virginia in the 1980s and New Mexico from 1989-91 . He was a member of the Soccer Journal Editorial Subcommittee from 2008 to 2022 . Carr ’ s coaching career has covered all levels of the game , including recreation , club , high school , college and professional over the span of his 45 years in the game .
Carr officially joined the Board of Directors on Sunday , Jan . 13 , 2019 at the United Soccer Coaches Convention in Chicago .
inappropriate behavior . Running laps , running sprints or “ suicides ,” doing push-ups or using other physical activities as punishment for mistakes does not work . It will not lead to better dribbling , passing or shooting . It will not make players understand how to advance the ball forward under pressure or defend the player with the ball . If behavior is an issue , players are more likely bored with the activity or frustrated when trying to performing an activity that is too complex . Research clearly shows that it turns many children off and those dropping out of youth sport at early ages is as large now in 2023 as it was 50 years ago . Coaches have a responsibility to create an environment of play and create a wide variety of activities that players enjoy and that the game provides . If your players are not having FUN , ask why .
It is like everything in football — and life . You need to look , you need to think , you need to move , you need to find space , you need to help others . It ’ s very simple in the end .”
Johann Cruyff
I am fascinated by the process of learning . It is not clean , neat and tidy . We often strive for order but clearly recognize that we live in a disordered world and coach the beautiful game where there is constant turmoil that coaches and players have to adapt to . The qualities we value — creativity , responsiveness , resilience , collaboration , improvisation and teamwork — are not developed in an ordered way . It is generally a messy process which we must embrace . Everyone learns in different ways and at different times .
As a teacher , it is a special time when one of our students “ gets it ” or , as I often say , “ the light comes on .” There is a newfound confidence and self-efficacy that is readily apparent . Create learning environments where players make decisions to help solve problems . As Mosston and Ashworth state , in guided discovery , the student ( player ) is dependent on the cues or questions posed by the teacher ( coach ). Problem solving then becomes individual and can lead to multiple solutions . The very fact of the variability of human motion should encourage alternative , new , different and maybe unknown solutions . This takes time and patience and reflects what players do in a multitude of life experiences they face every day . There is a need to seek solutions and thus , through self-discovery , subjects the mind and body to movement possibilities and game variations previously unknown to the learner .
Become an educated coach . Learn as much as you can . Enjoy your coaching . n
Dr . David Carr United Soccer Coaches President Member since 1974
April Bulletin | 3